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IMM 46 Helena - September 2025

Please pass this to your Club members and friends who want to attend IMM46 in Helena in 2025!  

Scott Read confirmed that the host hotel in Helena, the Colonial, is sold out.


Please direct anyone looking to book a hotel to the IMMFORD website at for the list of alternate hotels which are listed under the link titled “This Years Event”.  On that page, you will find links to the alternate hotels who currently have room blocks in place for IMM46. 


Please bookmark the IMMFORD website as it will be the main source of information for all activities related to IMM46, eventually you will be able to complete online registrations, see updated schedule of events and other important updates related to IMM46!          

Any IMM46 inquiries not answered on the IMMFORD website, can be directed to the Host Club in Helena by e-mailing


AMOA Web & Social Media Lead

IMM Board Secretary

Fellow IEMC Members, 

If you ever have considered going to an International Mustang Meet (IMM), this should be at the top of your list.  Helena's upcoming meet in September promises to be a great weekend.  It’s important to reserve a hotel and register to ensure you can get lodging close by plus, banquet tickets and more.  Let's form up as an IEMC group and go strut our stuff together!


Simply click the Helena link to get started…

Barry Barton



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